You can find the tweak in the bigboss repo for $1.99. the next tweak is called nc cleaner, and very simply, this tweak will remove the yahoo branding that appears in the bottom of notification center’s today view in ios 7, cleaning up the notification center and making it look even better than before.. Today’s tweak roundup has some new ios 11 cydia tweaks that will surely get any jailbreak fan excited. these awesome hacks allow you to change the appearance of different ui elements of your device, add new features to it and add functionality that apple never bothered to give your device. read on to learn about […]. Image : cydia compatible tweaks released few days back , the new yalu jailbreak tool is compatible from ios 10 to the current public version ios 10.2. the users who have just installed or are thinking of installing this new tool would surely want to take a look at the list of the compatible cydia apps and tweaks ..
Los mejores tweaks de cydia para ios 7
Customizels (ios 7, ios 7.1,ios 7.1.1, ios 7.1.2) customizels free cydia tweak allows you to customize your lockscreen like you can change the “ slide to unlock ” text, you can make your status bar smaller or larger, you can hide elements like camera, control center, status bar etc.. At the time of writing this post, there are 30 cydia tweaks in the list with their current status, so you can easily find out which jailbreak tweaks you should install and which cydia tweaks you should avoid. here’s the list of 175+ ios 11.3.1 compatible jailbreak tweaks on cydia that are stable and working: 0vigilate: 0.0.1 3edgy5me 7-zip. Der tweak hilft euch den lockscreen etwas anzupassen. eigener entsperr text, kamera icon entferne, die grabber f
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